Grades & Report Cards

Student placement and promotion decisions are based on student achievement and a careful review of student records. Decisions are made through a collaborative process involving school staff and parents.

Parents may request conferences with teachers at any time to discuss concerns regarding placement and progress related to their child's instructional program.

In the elementary grades, students are promoted from one grade to the next as they progress through the essential curriculum toward the attainment of essential goals in all subject areas.

In grades 6-8, FCPS promotes a student who passes all subjects or fails only one of the four core (major) subjects for the year. FCPS offers summer school on a limited basis to middle school students who need to repeat a core subject course. Summer offerings vary year to year depending on enrollment, teacher availability, overall program needs and resources. A student who fails all four major subjects for the year will not be promoted. Promotion recommendations for students who receive passing grades only in the major subjects will be based on careful review of student records.

High school students must show progress toward meeting state and local graduation requirements. Student promotion to the next grade level is based on the number of credits earned as of the start of the school year. The minimum number of credits that must be earned for promotion is as follows:

In some cases, the Individualized Education Program (IEP) team, which includes parents, may be responsible for promotion decisions regarding special education students.

Honor Roll

A sign of excellence, the Honor Roll recognizes students who have demonstrated outstanding academic achievements. In order to be included on the local school's academic honor roll, the student must meet certain criteria:

All courses are weighted equally. The principal sets up a procedure and assigns staff to establish the honor roll. The honor roll is validated and published by the principal.

The honor roll has two categories:

Grades Online

FCPS uses the Schoology learning management system for access to elementary, middle and high school grades from any internet-connected device. After grading and entering assignments and assessments, both students and parents can view grades in the Grade Report screen. Schoology organizes data for convenient online viewing. Parents/students can sign up for timely notifications via email or text message about student progress. ★

Assignment grades will be visible for PK-12 while course averages will be available for Grades 6-12.

To learn more about Schoology and parent accounts, please visit:

Report Cards

Report cards are issued four times during the year to ­communicate students’ term grades and other classroom achievement information. Report card formats vary with the student's grade level. There are different report cards for pre-k through 5th grade. Middle schools use one format for all students in grades 6-8. High schools use one format for grades 9-12.