Law: Competition and Fair Trading Act 1990 (Italy)

National laws that impose deadlines on competition authorities to open abuse of dominance investigations are incompatible with EU law, an advisor to the European Court of Justice has said in an opinion that could eventually influence several Italian decisions on appeal.

05 September 2024

Novartis, Biogen and Samsung Bioepis raided in Italy, Netherlands

Italy’s Competition Authority has raided Novartis, Biogen and several other companies suspected of colluding to delay the entry of an eye disease treatment drug, while the Dutch antitrust watchdog raided Samsung Bioepis in the Netherlands.

Italy opens second below-threshold Phase II merger probe

Italy’s Competition Authority has opened its second-ever in-depth investigation into a below-threshold deal, probing an acquisition from one of the country’s biggest cement companies.

White & Case and Linklaters steer Swisscom/Vodafone Italia

Overlaps in fixed-line markets are unlikely to prevent Swisscom from securing merger approval for its €8 billion acquisition of Vodafone’s Italian subsidiary, according to industry experts.

Italy launches novel Phase II probe into below-threshold deal

Italy’s Competition Authority has opened its first-ever in-depth investigation into a below-threshold merger, warning that a shipping company’s purchase of a port terminal could harm competition in the roll-on, roll-off freight services market.

Italy seeks interim measures against Poste Italiane after raids

Poste Italiane is under investigation in Italy for allegedly favouring its retail energy services over rivals, as the national competition authority seeks to force the company to grant competitors equal access to its network.

12 February 2024

Political media takeovers prove need for antitrust reform, union says

Italy’s media sector requires “serious” antitrust legislation, an Italian journalists trade union has said following reports that the owner of three of the country’s leading conservative newspapers is planning to extend his reach in the sector.

02 January 2024

Legance poaches from Orrick in Italy

The head of Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe’s competition practice has defected to Legance in Rome.

17 November 2023

Airline ticket pricing algorithms face scrutiny in Italy

Italy’s Competition Authority has begun scrutinising pricing algorithms used in the domestic airline tickets market, a month after gaining new powers to impose remedies across the sector.

16 November 2023

Italy conditionally clears Italiana Petroli/Esso deal

Italiana Petroli has convinced the Italian Competition Authority to accept behavioural commitments to allay concerns about its acquisition of certain assets from an ExxonMobil subsidiary

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