Academics & Coursework

Before applying, medical schools expect that applicants develop certain competencies. Students develop some of these competencies through undergraduate coursework, while they develop others through experiences outside the classroom. Medical schools review your application, looking for indicators that you have developed these competencies. They will expect you to have completed certain coursework, maintain a strong academic record, and achieve a sufficient score on the MCAT in order to gain admission.

Choosing a major #

For premed students, your major doesn't matter nearly as much as the competencies you build. While you need to complete certain science courses, you don't have to major in a science field.

Medical school admissions officials usually say that they do not have a preference for one particular major over another. In fact, most of them say they do not even prefer science majors over non-science majors. Medical schools seek to admit students from all majors who have developed strong abilities in the sciences, as well as other skills.

Regardless of your major, medical schools will expect you to complete a rigorous set of coursework in the natural sciences. Being a strong student in the sciences isn't enough though. You will need strong analytical and critical reasoning skills. Good physicians must be able to relate to their patients on a personal level. Communication skills are important for physicians too.

For these reasons, there is no one major that is considered the best for medical school applicants. You could become a strong applicant by majoring in a non-science field, as long as you excel in your science coursework and demonstrate that you are fully prepared for the demands of medical school. You could also become a strong applicant by majoring in a science field while taking advanced-level coursework in the humanities and social sciences to develop your communication and critical reasoning skills. There is no one path to medical school.

Why are good communication skills important for physicians? Just stop and imagine the thousands of interactions that take place every day between doctors and patients, in which patients describe their symptoms and doctors must listen skillfully and ask the right questions. The process of diagnosing and treating patients is highly dependent on language use. To become a good physician you will need to build strong communication skills. Coursework in the humanities and social sciences can deepen your abilities to communicate with patients in a variety of ways.

Premedical coursework #

Before applying, medical schools will expect you to attain certain competencies through undergraduate coursework. Most medical schools require that students complete at least one year of college coursework (including both lecture and lab components) in biology, general chemistry, organic chemistry, and physics to meet their admission requirements.

Medical schools have expectations that students who are building the necessary competencies should be able to excel in their premedical science coursework, generally earning A's in most premedical science courses, with occasional B's.

Research the requirements of the schools where you plan to apply. You can consult the individual medical school websites for information on admission requirements. A guide from the Association of American Medical Colleges, Medical School Admissions Requirements provides information on admission requirements for allopathic medical schools. The Choose DO Explorer from the American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine provides information on admissions requirements for osteopathic medical schools.

Course requirements for the IU School of Medicine

The following coursework is required for admission to Indiana University School of Medicine.

IU School of Medicine Requirement IU Bloomington course(s) that can fulfill the requirement
General/inorganic chemistry, 8-10 credit hours (one academic year, including both lecture and lab) CHEM-C 117/127 and CHEM-N 331*
Organic chemistry, 8-10 credit hours (one academic year, including both lecture and lab) CHEM-C 341,** 342, and 343
Physics, 8-10 credit hours (one academic year, including both lecture and lab) PHYS-P 201 and 202 or
PHYS-P 221 and 222
Biological sciences, 8-10 credit hours (one academic year, including both lecture and lab) BIOL-L 112, 113, and 211
Biochemistry, 3 credit hours (one semester) CHEM-C 383 or 483***
Psychology, 3 credit hours**** (one semester) Any course in psychology; some options would be PSY-P 101, 102 or 155
Sociology, 3 credit hours***** (one semester) Any course in sociology; some options would be SOC-S 100, 101, 358 or 365

* The Indiana University School of Medicine recommends CHEM-N 331; CHEM-C 118 will be accepted.
** Premed students should not enroll in the alternate organic chemistry course CHEM-R 340. Students cannot obtain credit for both CHEM-R 340 and CHEM-C 341.
*** CHEM-C 484 (a course for biochemistry majors) or BIOL-T 440 (a course for biotechnology majors) may be substituted.
**** Other behavioral science courses may be accepted. It is strongly recommended that students take at least one psychology course to prepare for the MCAT.
***** Other social science courses may be accepted. It is strongly recommended that students take at least one sociology course to prepare for the MCAT.

Additional course guidelines for IU Bloomington students

Below are additional guidelines on courses at IU Bloomington that can be used to fulfill common requirements.

Please note: Some medical schools will not accept Advanced Placement or credit-by-examination towards meeting admission requirements, or accept such credit only under restricted circumstances. College-level coursework is often preferable for preparation for the Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT).

Many medical schools require biochemistry, and you will need to take biochemistry prior to the MCAT.

Recommended Courses:
CHEM-C 383 OR CHEM-C 483 OR CHEM-C 484.

Most medical schools require a minimum of one year of biology, including lecture and lab. Many medical schools will recommend additional coursework in biology as well. The courses below should be taken before the MCAT.

Recommended Courses:
BIOL-L 112, 113, and 211. Consider also BIOL-L 312.

The majority of medical schools require one or two semesters of English. Although some students are exempt from the IU English Composition Requirement on the basis of SAT or ACT scores, you should be aware that an exemption from a requirement is not considered to be equivalent to course credit by most medical schools.
Recommended Courses:

ENG-W 131, ENG-W 170, ENG-W 270, ENG-W 350, or any other writing or literature courses offered by the English department. Many medical schools will also accept courses that fulfill Intensive Writing requirements taken in humanities or social science disciplines at IU. You may be asked to provide documentation to the school that the course fulfills a writing requirement at IU.

Most medical schools require one year of general/inorganic chemistry, including lecture and lab. While CHEM-C 117/127 must be taken before the MCAT, some students delay CHEM-N 331 until after the MCAT if needed due to scheduling issues. In this case you should carefully study electrochemistry and nuclear chemistry content on your own prior to the MCAT. While IU School of Medicine will accept CHEM-N 331 without requiring the lab CHEM-N 337, some other medical schools could require the lab CHEM-N 337.

Recommended Courses:
CHEM-C 117/127 and CHEM-N 331

The majority of medical schools have no specific math requirement. However, many of the required science courses at IU Bloomington have math prerequisites that you must meet before enrolling, most undergraduate degree programs require math, and strong math skills are important for success in premedical coursework.

A very small number of medical schools require calculus.
Recommended Course if you plan to apply to med schools that require calculus:
MATH-M 211

Although only a small number of medical schools require statistics, all premed students should take a statistics course to prepare for the MCAT.

Recommended Courses:
STAT-S 303 (specifically designed for preparing for the MCAT)
Other options include STAT-S 300, PSY-K 300, SPEA-K 300, MATH-K 310 or PSY-K 310, or any other statistics course at the 300-level.

Most medical schools require one year of organic chemistry, including lecture and lab. You should complete the organic chemistry coursework below before the MCAT.

Recommended Courses:
CHEM-C 341, 342 and 343*

*Most medical schools will accept CHEM-C 343 to fulfill the entire lab requirement for organic chemistry.

Some medical schools require psychology coursework and all premed students should take at least one psychology course to prepare for the MCAT.

Recommended Courses:
PSY-P 101 or PSY-P 155

Most medical schools require one year of physics, including lecture and lab. You should complete both semesters of physics before the MCAT.

Recommended Courses:
PHYS-P 201 and PHYS-P 202 (noncalculus-based physics)
OR PHYS-P 221 and 222 (calculus-based physics)

Some medical schools require sociology coursework and all premed students should take at least one sociology course to prepare for the MCAT.

Recommended Courses:
SOC-S 100, SOC-S 101, SOC-S 358 or SOC-S 365
Additionally, courses from anthropology and communication and culture may also be beneficial.

Academic record and GPA #

Your undergraduate GPA is one of the primary ways medical schools will evaluate your application for admission. What is a competitive GPA for admission to medical school? In 2023, the average cumulative GPA for students from IU Bloomington admitted to allopathic medical schools was 3.81. For osteopathic medical schools, in 2023 the average cumulative GPA of students entering nationally was 3.60.

Medical schools pay attention to grade trends and ranges also. A student who had a difficult first semester as a freshman but went on to earn A’s in rigorous science courses in future semesters could still be viewed favorably.

The vast majority of IU Bloomington students accepted to allopathic schools have a cumulative GPA between 3.6 and 4.0. A good benchmark for admission to allopathic schools is to maintain a GPA of 3.6 or higher. For osteopathic schools a helpful benchmark is 3.4 or above to have a good chance for admission.

Volunteering and Academics

Keep in mind that no matter how many impressive volunteering experiences you have listed on your application, your transcript must present convincing evidence of your academic readiness for medical school.

Calculation of GPA #

The medical schools do not just look at your GPA as shown on your IU transcript. Applicants apply to medical schools through centralized application services: AMCAS (for allopathic programs) and AACOMAS (for osteopathic programs). Each application service will have its own method for re-calculating your GPA. This allows the schools to more easily compare applicants, regardless of the grading system used at the student's college or university.

When you apply to medical school you will type information onto the application from the transcripts of all colleges and universities you have attended, including the title of each course, number of credit hours, and the grade earned for each course. Each course will be classified according to the subject matter of the course. This information will be used to calculate an overall cumulative GPA for you, as well as a science GPA, and other types of GPAs.

Calculation of science GPA #

AMCAS calculates a special "BCPM" GPA based on coursework classified as biology, chemistry, physics, or math courses. AMCAS provides a chart in the application instructions that explains how coursework in different subject areas is classified, since courses are not always classified the way one would expect according to the department at IU that offers a given course.

AACOMAS calculates a science GPA based on all coursework in biology/zoology, biochemistry, inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, other science, and physics (math coursework is not included in the AACOMAS science GPA). AACOMAS provides a chart in the application instructions that explains how coursework in different subject areas is classified.

What is a competitive science GPA? For fall 2023, the average science GPA for IU Bloomington students admitted to allopathic medical schools was 3.75. The average science GPA nationally for students entering the osteopathic medical schools in 2023 was 3.50.

Course retakes #

Thinking about retaking a course?

Generally, many medical school officials advise that students should not retake courses, but rather proceed to higher level coursework where they can show improvement. Still, some students may consider whether or not to retake a specific course in order to earn a higher grade.

If you are considering retaking a course to enhance your application to medical school, you will want to carefully consider the impact of IU Extended-X policies, the centralized application policies, and the likelihood of obtaining a higher grade in the course. Make sure to consult information in this Guidebook on Repeated Coursework and Impact of ‘Extended-X’ Policies on Application to Professional Schools .

Before re-enrolling in a course, you will want to create a plan for success, including such elements as devoting additional time to the course, developing new study skills, attending instructor office hours, and using tutoring services.

Building a strong transcript #

Building a strong transcript requires careful planning, excellent time management skills, and dedication. Make use of resources such as instructor office hours and tutoring. Tracking your study time and devoting about 25-30 hours per week to preparation outside of class times can enhance your success!

Parallel planning #

What is parallel planning? It's a smart strategy to ensure your success. There are many possible paths to your goal of a healthcare career! Some premed students convince themselves that the only way to achieve their dreams is by becoming a doctor – but the truth is that you could potentially be successful in a wide number of fields. A parallel plan is a plan you create that you can pursue right alongside your first choice of a career. Premed science courses can be challenging, and parallel planning allows you to efficiently change paths at some point if you discover you do not like or no longer want to pursue your primary career path.

How could you create a parallel plan? Explore your interests, goals, and values. Meet with a career advisor. Think about other goals you would like to achieve alongside being a doctor – for instance, would you like to encourage healthy lifestyles, improve global health, or develop new treatments through research? Your answers to these questions may help indicate additional career paths through which you could find meaning.

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