Kentucky business registration is important if you're looking to take advantage of the state's competitive tax climate. Kentucky is a great state in which to form a business, having jumped from No. 33 in the last two years to No. 18.
If you are looking for an in-depth overview of federal, state, and local taxes required for businesses operating in Kentucky, one resource is The Kentucky Business One Stop website. It includes:
Sales tax must be collected on a variety of sales. The Kentucky Department of Revenue website can help you determine if your product or service is taxable. There is no charge to apply for a sales tax number, and you won't need to renew it. It might take several weeks to process your application and receive your number.
You can use the Kentucky Business One Stop portal to get your sales tax permit. Contact the Kentucky Taxpayer Service Center Department's Division of Sales and Use Tax at P.O. Box 181, Frankfort, KY 40602-0181. Or call 502-564-5170. Review the Kentucky Revenue Cabinet registration for information about what is taxable. All businesses also need a North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) code.
If you start a for-profit business, you will need to apply in writing to the license division prior to doing business. A business will be considered a Kentucky local business if it owns property or has a lease for six months or longer. You must pay a $50 fee. A $275 deposit might be required along with the application. You must also obtain an occupational license with an occupational tax of 1.85 percent.
If a business performs regular visits to its customer base, such as water delivery, it might be considered a Kentucky local business, even without an established location.
A business not considered local might be considered a transient business, contractor, peddler, or professional service business. The fees for these types of businesses will vary, depending on how many days of operation are within Kentucky and how many employees are working. These businesses won't be required to submit employee withholding or annual net profit returns.
If you plan to sell alcoholic beverages, the licensing process can take five weeks and will include a comprehensive set of forms. Call 270-393-3000 to get an appointment with the Occupational License Division to discuss the application process.
If you need help with Kentucky business registration, you can post your legal need on UpCounsel's marketplace. UpCounsel accepts only the top 5 percent of lawyers to its site. Lawyers on UpCounsel come from law schools such as Harvard Law and Yale Law and average 14 years of legal experience, including work with or on behalf of companies like Google, Menlo Ventures, and Airbnb.