general appearance in a sentence

1) The general appearance must remain the same.

appearance collocations
2) All three forms have the same general appearance .

3) In recent years, their general appearance has become steady.

general appearance example sentences

4) General appearance change on the other hand, confirms programmer effort.

5) Their clothes and general appearance gave the impression of those on pilgrimage.

6) The concerns centre around the upkeep and general appearance of the area.

7) Condition of uniforms, equipment and general appearance as a military unit.

8) General appearance Typical concave lined brachycephalic molossoid.

9) But such exceptions only rendered the general appearance of the actors more anomalous.

10) They are named "grubs" by humans due to their general appearance .

11) Your graph should have the same general appearance as Figure 24-4.

12) He stated himself pleased with the general appearance and appointments of the unit.

13) It is dry in its general appearance , and moderately broad between the ears.

14) Crowley also got a "strong impression" of the speaker's general appearance .

15) You should pick dogs that complement eachother well and are similar in general appearance .

example sentences with general appearance

16) Genes determine an individual's general appearance and to some extent their behavior.

17) They believe his clothing and general appearance would not go unnoticed or unremembered.

18) General appearance : Brook Trout are dark, olive-green on the back.

19) The general appearance of the Sheltie is that of a miniature Rough Collie.

20) The general appearance of the goat should be one of balance, health and strength.

21) There are several terns of a similar size and general appearance to the common tern.

22) I. 23 Corradino, II. 50 Corsica, its beauty and general appearance .

23) While his general appearance is the same as Quickforce's, he has different abilities.

24) In addition, there are some fringe areas such as clothes, physique and general appearance .

25) General appearance varies between brown and rufous Cf Hoopoe Lark (p. 199).

26) Alike in size and general appearance , but not in the guards that operated them.

27) Common physical properties of rice are size, shape, color, uniformity, and general appearance .

28) Currently, the general appearance of a Mérens is strong and compact, with energetic movement.

How to use general appearance in a sentence

29) Their functional groups, functions, and general appearance will be the focus of this screencast.

30) Externally similar to the classic Hercules in general appearance , the J-model features considerably updated technology.

31) Answer: Inspect and palpate the nose for general appearance , symmetry, discharge and tenderness.

32) A deviation from this will make the general appearance of the unit border on the farb.

33) The investigators evaluated the changes in skin texture, coloration, tone, general appearance and acne severity.

34) The general appearance of the White-Forster is similar to that of the later "Admiralty" pattern.

35) Any noticeable change in color or general appearance , encrustation or bumpiness also requires medical attention without delay.

36) Natural proportion, contours, and general appearance of the external ear are managed during the otoplasty procedure.

37) Is the general appearance during backwashing such that media is uniform with a lateral motion on the surface?

38) The general appearance of tea bushes as they are grown in Japan is indicated in Fig. 192.

39) Shepard's gender, class, first name and general appearance are chosen and customised by the player.

40) He had developed a droning style of speaking, and the general appearance of sluggishness alarmed his friends.

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